Monday, August 1, 2011

Applications for Export Funding Now Being Accepted

Small businesses are constantly looking for new customers. Reaching a new market requires meeting new buyers, educating new customers, and advertising. Starting August 1, SUSTA will accept applications for the 2012 Market Access Program (MAP) Branded. The Branded program is designed to help food and agricultural companies enter export markets with 50% reimbursement for promotional costs, such as advertising, exhibiting at trade shows, and changes to packaging and labels. Download the Pre-Qualification Form from the SUSTA website today to double your international marketing budget for next year!

Eligible companies are small according to U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) standards, have yearly sales of at least $100,000, and promote a brand-name product that is at least 50% U.S. agricultural origin. MAP Branded is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and administered to southern U.S. companies by SUSTA. Companies located in any of SUSTA’s member states can apply for funding: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SUSTA Outreach Calendar

SUSTA collaborates with our member states and other industry groups to offer educational seminars and company meetings to discuss how our programs can help small businesses export. The Market Access Program (MAP) Branded and Generic activities are two ways we can help make international trade more affordable and low-risk for food and agricultural companies. Now it is easier than ever to keep up with SUSTA's export seminars! Check out our listings for events near you this year:

Friday, January 14, 2011

MAP Branded Funding

Making New Year's resolutions? How about taking your business to a new market? Applications are still being accepted for 2011 MAP Branded funds. Expenses like advertising, traveling and exhibiting at international trade shows, changes to labels and packaging can qualify for up to 50% reimbursement. Go to to download the Pre-Qualification worksheet. Contact our office with questions at 504-568-5986.

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